Condizioni di partecipazione

Condizioni di partecipazione

Modifica delle Condizioni Generali di Partecipazione del SATA Loyalty Program coins & more

Cambiano le Condizioni Generali di Partecipazione del SATA Loyalty Program coins & more
Qui trovate i termini e le condizioni precedenti, che sono ancora validi fino al 30 novembre 2024, e il testo completo delle nuove Condizioni Generali di Partecipazione.
Le modifiche alle condizioni di partecipazione entreranno in vigore il 1° dicembre 2024. Utilizzando l'App SATA Loyalty, in particolare scansionando i codici QR Loyalty sui nostri prodotti o all'interno di essi a partire dal 1° dicembre 2024, riteniamo che siate d'accordo con le Condizioni Generali di Partecipazione aggiornate del SATA Loyalty Program coins & more.
Se non accettate i termini, non potrete più utilizzare l'App SATA Loyalty e dovrete chiudere il vostro account prima che i termini entrino in vigore.
Avete anche la possibilità di inviare una notifica corrispondente a entro 30 giorni dall'entrata in vigore della modifica per presentare un'obiezione e terminare così la vostra adesione.

Le modifiche più importanti in sintesi:

Aggiunta dei prodotti SATA ai prodotti scansionabili, che vengono forniti con un inserto nella confezione.

-- Each product which accrues SATA coins (reward-points) contains corresponding notices on and inside the packaging. The groups of goods that are capable of obtaining a credit as well as the number of granted SATA coins are each published in the SATA Loyalty App. You can find a list of products that are eligible for rewards - provided they have a Loyalty QR code - at the following link: --

1.1. Eligible participants
Innalzamento dell'età minima (finora 18 anni).

-- Should a company have issued its employees with the authority to scan and collect the SATA coins, such employees are also entitled to participate in the SATA Loyalty Program coins & more, provided that they are over the age of 21 years and fully competent to enter into these General Terms and Conditions of Participation and comply with its provisions. By enrolling in the programme, they represent and warrant that they are eligible to participate in the programme. --

1.2 Start of participation
Descrizione dettagliata dei diritti di SATA per richiedere la prova dell'autorizzazione alla scansione.

-- SATA reserves the right to request proof of authorization to scan and collect SATA coins from participants in individual cases. This may be:
- Proof of purchase of the respective authorized product including the company name and address
- Confirmation of the scanning authorization of the owner of the company/buyer of the scannable SATA products, including the signature of the person concerned --

2.4.1. General regulations concerning the acquisition of SATA coins
Menzione dei casi specifici in cui le SATA coins non vengono accreditate:

-- In certain circumstances, scanned Loyalty QR codes/SATA coins may not be credited to the participant's account, such as in the following cases for: 
- promotional goods with a reduced price
- products purchased after the end of the SATA Loyalty Program coins & more or
- Loyalty QR codes whose validity has expired --

2.4.2. Exclusion of SATA coin credit
Cancellazione senza sostituzione.

2.5.1. General regulations concerning the acquisition of SATA coins
Descrizione dettagliata dei premi.

-- Rewards consist of either material rewards (in the form of goods or services) or corresponding credits (shopping vouchers) for such goods or services. Setting off or cash payments are excluded. --

2.5.2. Redeeming rewards
Garanzia dei diritti dei consumatori.

-- Nothing in these conditions restricts, excludes or modifies or purports to restrict, exclude or modify any statutory consumer rights under any applicable law. Deviations which take place due to legal regulations are permitted, provided that the reward provided is of equivalent functionality.--

2.5.4. Misuse
Elenco dei casi definiti come abuso.

-- In particular, a participant will be acting in an abusive manner as defined in these General Terms and Conditions of Participation if he or she engages in conduct that can be deemed to:
- infringe the regulations in section 2.4.1;
- infringe the regulations in section 2.2;
- be acting in such a way which leads to the unauthorised obtaining of benefits in connection with the SATA Loyalty Program coins & more (including the use of multiple accounts, in breach of the account limit requirements under the regulations in section 1.2); or
- misuse or manipulate the SATA Loyalty App and its functions. --

2.6. Expiration of SATA coins
Descrizione migliorata della validità delle SATA coin.

-- If a Loyalty QR code is not scanned within its validity period (3 or 5 years, depending on the product) following manufacture of the product with a coin entitlement, the Loyalty QR code will not be valid and any corresponding SATA coins will be forfeited. Participants can find an overview of the validity periods for Loyalty QR codes at the following link:
Acquired SATA coins will be issued for rewards in the order they are recorded.
Should SATA coins not be redeemed for a reward within 36 months from the time they are recorded in a participant’s SATA coin account of the SATA Loyalty App, those SATA coins will expire.
Upon termination of the SATA Loyalty Program coins & more in principle, all SATA coins lose their value as of December 31 of the following year (see section 3.6). --

3.3 Extraordinary termination
Elenco dettagliato degli eventi e della procedura di SATA.

-- Under these General Terms and Conditions of Participation, SATA declare extraordinary termination without notice in the event of:
- a culpable and serious breach of these General Terms and Conditions of Participation by a participant;
- a participant’s misuse or attempted misuse in accordance with section 2.5.4; or
- conduct by a participant that results in material misstatements, other manipulations, harassing or damaging behaviour towards SATA, its employees or vicarious agents. --

4.1 Liability
Adeguamento alla legge applicabile.

4.3 / 4.4 (UK) Changes to the programme or conditions of participation
Adattamento del processo.

-- SATA will send to the consumer, between the 90th and the 60th day preceding the coming into force of the amendment, a written notice by email drawn up clearly and legibly, setting out a clear link to the summary of all changed terms, the date of the coming into force of the amendment and the rights of the consumer to refuse the amendment and rescind its participation to the Program without cost, penalty or cancellation indemnity by sending SATA a notice to that effect no later than 30 days after the amendment comes into force, if the amendment entails an increase in the consumer’s obligations or a reduction in SATA’s obligations. SATA cannot unilaterally modify to the detriment of the consumer the following elements:
(a) the number of exchange units received by the consumer;
(b) any conversion factor applicable to the SATA coins into another form of exchange unit, as applicable; or
(c) increase the SATA points required to obtain goods or a service in a disproportionate manner with respect to the increase of the retail value of the goods or service.
Changes to the procedures for the SATA Loyalty Program coins & more described in the programme documents will be announced in the SATA Loyalty App or the SATA Loyalty Program communications media with a reasonable period of notice.
The changes or additions to the General Terms and Conditions of Participation shall be deemed to have been accepted should a participant not raise an objection within 30 days of objection to or should further SATA coins be scanned following the expiration of this deadline. Should a participant object to the change or addition, his or her participation can be ended by means of regular termination in accordance with section 3.1. --


Scegliete tra i seguenti documenti:

Condizioni di partecipazione: Europa - VÁLIDO HASTA EL 30 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2024

Qui troverete le condizioni di partecipazione del SATA Loyalty Program coins & more per l'Europa:

Condizioni di partecipazione: Europa - VÁLIDO A PARTIR DEL 1 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2024

Qui troverete le condizioni di partecipazione del SATA Loyalty Program coins & more per l'Europa:

Condizioni di partecipazione: Regno Unito - VÁLIDO HASTA EL 30 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2024

Qui troverete le condizioni di partecipazione del SATA Loyalty Program coins & more per il Regno Unito:

Condizioni di partecipazione: Regno Unito - VÁLIDO A PARTIR DEL 1 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2024

Qui troverete le condizioni di partecipazione del SATA Loyalty Program coins & more per il Regno Unito:

Condizioni di partecipazione: USA, MEX, CA - VÁLIDO HASTA EL 30 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2024

Qui troverete le condizioni di partecipazione del SATA Loyalty Program coins & more per USA, Messico e Canada:

Condizioni di partecipazione: USA, MEX - VÁLIDO A PARTIR DEL 1 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2024

Qui troverete le condizioni di partecipazione del SATA Loyalty Program coins & more per USA e Messico.

Condizioni di partecipazione: AUS, NZL - VÁLIDO HASTA EL 30 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2024

Qui troverete le condizioni di partecipazione del SATA Loyalty Program coins & more per l'Australia e Nuova Zelanda:

Condizioni di partecipazione: AUS, NZL, CA - VÁLIDO A PARTIR DEL 1 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2024

Qui troverete le condizioni di partecipazione del SATA Loyalty Program coins & more per l'Australia, Nuova Zelanda e Canada: