SATA Loyalty Program coins & more - Information on permissions

The following consents can be given in the SATA Loyalty App:

  1. Receipt of the SATA Loyalty News
  2. Receipt of the SATA newsletter
  3. Persmission to Tracking

For detailed information, please scroll down.


1. SATA Loyalty News

With your consent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a) EU-DS-GVO) you agree to the regular sending of promotional information on the SATA Loyalty Programme coins & more via e-mail, SMS and push notifications. However, push notifications on contents of the SATA Loyalty News require a separate consent. You also agree that SATA may contact you by e-mail, SMS and telephone for promotional and market research purposes.
We process your data to send you information and offers on special promotions in the SATA Loyalty Program coins & more and SATA / reward offers / services / new products / price information and events such as trade fairs, events, trainings/educational courses by e-mail, push notification, SMS or telephone. In addition, we contact you by e-mail, push notification, SMS or telephone for market research purposes as part of a survey.
You can change your consent at any time without giving reasons in the SATA Loyalty App in the Account/Consent section or unsubscribe via the unsubscribe link in every SATA Loyalty News. In addition, you can revoke this consent at+49 (0) 7154/811-0, by email to or by post to SATA GmbH & Co. KG, Domertalstrasse 20 ∙ 70806 Kornwestheim, P.O. Box 1828 ∙ 70799 Kornwestheim to withdraw your consent.


2. SATA Newsletter

До мая 2024 года подписаться и отказаться от рассылки новостей SATA можно было также в приложении SATA Loyalty App. С вашего согласия (ст. 6 п. 1 лит. a) EU-GDPR) вы согласились регулярно получать информационный бюллетень SATA. Ваши данные будут обрабатываться с целью отправки вам по электронной почте информации и предложений о продуктах / услугах / новых продуктах / технологических новинках / специальных акциях / специальных предложениях / информации о ценах / событиях, таких как торговые выставки, мероприятия, тренинги / учебные курсы.
Вы можете подписаться на рассылку новостей SATA на сайте

С мая 2024 года подписка и отписка через приложение SATA Loyalty App больше невозможна.
Однако вы можете отказаться от подписки в любое время без объяснения причин, используя ссылку для отказа от подписки в каждом информационном бюллетене SATA. Вы также можете отозвать это согласие по телефону +49 (0) 7154/811-0, по электронной почте или по адресу SATA GmbH & Co. KG, Domertalstrasse 20 ∙ 70806 Kornwestheim, P.O. Box 1828 ∙ 70799 Kornwestheim.


3. Tracking

With your consent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a) EU-DS-GVO), we use the tool Firebase of Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, in the context of using the SATA Loyalty App coins & more, in order to continuously improve this app and make it more user-friendly and to track user activities. Of course, this tool is only used if you have actively opted in. Should you ever change your mind and no longer wish to have user tracking, you can change your consent at any time without giving reasons in the SATA Loyalty App in the Account/Settings section. Further information on Firebase can also be found in our PRIVACY POLICY